Saturday, June 03, 2006

fuck#@# wid faith !!!

This empty windows scares me.. it reminds me of the emptiness that has exhumed every thing in and around me. why is it that bizzare thoughts come into our heads when we least expect them. probably there is some1 upstars who smiling at us and telling us in a language that we are familiar with " think ive fucked u enough..not quite.. take that ..". U never quite know whos team Gods' on. probably it is this beauty of divinity that elevates the surreal from the mundane.then why do we still trust in his vision, his plans for us.. for he does not play dice. Its quite like watching a wierd movie.. u wudnt get the first half hour.. u think that the director has lost his marbles and wonder why the fuck did u ever pay to watch it.. but then u hang around.. figure it out and its not long before all the loose ends are tied up.. every jigsaw falls into place.. every question answered. what if u had left halfway. what if ud have lost faith.Im writing this at that part of the movie.. when everything is goin hay wire..nothings makin sense.. in an empty cinema hall...with nothing but my own fears,doubts,frustration whizzing before my eyes. but we have ALL PAID FOR THIS RIDE.. so y not hang on till the ride is over.. y not make sense out ofthis MOVIE..for it is always the darkest in the seconds before dawn. no matter hw far that freeway seemed, one dayTHOU SHALT BE DONE... till then..ill munch away at the popkorn..i wait for some1 to occupy the seat next to mine..i ll keep the faith..

" for he who does not have a pauper in thy kingdom "


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